Author and Screenwriter based in Melbourne, Australia
I didn’t always want to be a writer
I was nineteen when I realised both that I was good at it and that writing was a potential career choice and frankly that is too old to say it was my lifelong dream.
My vivid imagination, once simply an escape from the horrors of high school, brought me stories I realised I wanted to share, characters I needed to create and some weird dreams. So, instead of therapy, I decided to harness this creativity into scripts and novels.
Glib remarks aside, mental health and representations of the complexity of the human mind are things I am passionate about. They are overarching themes I find myself going back to time and time again but when it comes down to it, I like stories and I like to entertain, and that is the goal of any of my work.
I turned my hand to comedy one day merely as an experiment, I had always thought I was being laughed at, not with, but after receiving feedback that mentioned my “obvious penchant for comedy” I decided to stick with it.
It is anything but obvious to me, so I do require constant reassurance that I am at least mildly amusing. Seriously.
When I’m not writing you can normally find me jet setting across the world as a flight attendant, mercilessly flaunting my vague likeness to Jennifer Lawrence or working on my meme collection. If you’d like to contact me about any of my work, collaborations or to reassure my fragile ego, please send me a note using the contact form.